Top tips on public speaking

Very helpful and useful tips xxx

Kate on Thin Ice

Public speaking is one of those things that seems to turn the most confident person to jelly all too often. So here are some top tips from a successful speaker.

1. I was a bit worried at the start but I think that is normal. After a couple of sentences, I got the hang of it and was OK.

2. I made sure I looked around and made eye contact with people. I put myself in a place where I could see everyone.

3. I used Powerpoint and also had a board with photographs on it on display.

4. I spoke loudly and clearly to make sure everyone could hear me.

5. I made sure I looked smart this morning.

6. I had decided what the main things I wanted to talk about were and had a presentation saved on a memory stick.

7. I was fine if people wanted…

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